Steven Malone named Finance Director
Tevir Group are delighted to announce the appointment of Steven Malone as Finance Director....
Tevir Group is an Isle of Man based privately held investment management company committed to making investments that generate a return, and which provide a positive economic and social impact in the locations they operate. On behalf of The Keith Jones Foundation Tevir Group recently donated £5,000 to help to fund lifesaving research into heart and circulatory diseases. They made the generous donation after learning more about BHF research projects from BHF, IOM group lead, Jill Pugh.
Tevir Group also recently participated in a CPR training session provided by Jill and her husband Brian, using the British Heart Foundation’s new online training tool RevivR.
RevivR teaches you in just 15 minutes how to recognise a cardiac arrest, gives feedback on chest compressions and outlines the correct steps of defibrillator use, giving anyone the confidence to step in and save a life in the event of the ultimate medical emergency.
The money donated by Tevir Group on behalf of the Keith Jones Foundation will help the BHF fund vital research into heart and circulatory diseases like heart attacks, stroke and vascular dementia, and the risk factors that can cause them, such as diabetes and high blood pressure.
Since forming in 1961, the charity has funded research that has contributed to lifesaving breakthroughs such as heart transplants, pacemakers, portable defibrillators, and valve replacements.
Despite the huge progress made, heart and circulatory conditions are still the world’s biggest killers - and every three minutes in the UK, a family loses a loved one to a heart or circulatory disease. Almost 30% of all deaths on the Isle of Man are caused by heart and circulatory diseases.
Ciaran Doherty, Managing Director at Tevir Group, said: “
We are delighted to provide the donation to the British Heart Foundation (Isle of Man Group) and it was a pleasure for Jill and Brian to visit our office and provide CPR and defibrillator training to the team. We know that the funds contributed are going towards a very worthwhile cause, carrying out important research and raising awareness around heart health.
Jill Pugh, Leader of the British Heart Foundation, Isle of Man group said: “
“We are so very grateful to companies like Tevir who are supporting this life saving initiative. We are also enjoying seeing the motivation created with the new Revivr App. It’s a fun tool, engaging, informative and employees tell us, enlightening! We are witnessing how, armed with just a cushion and a smart phone, every employee can learn the exact techniques to act confidently, give CPR and use a defibrillator.’’
If any other company would be interested in choosing to support the British Heart Foundation, please do get in touch with Jill Pugh 429721. As the BeeGees song says, this really is about ‘Staying Alive!’
Tevir Group are delighted to announce the appointment of Steven Malone as Finance Director....
Fridays are for COFFEE & CAKE. We held a coffee morning last week at 55 Athol Street where all the tenants got involved in baking, buying, eating, donating and mingling....
This Christmas, the Keith Jones Foundation had the privilege of supporting Crossroads IOM and their efforts to bring joy to young carers in our community....
Should you have any questions, please feel free to get in touch with our team.