Keith Jones Foundation make a Christmas Donation to IOM Foodbank
Tevir Group were delighted to donate £10,000 worth of Tesco gift vouchers, on behalf of The Keith Jones Foundation, to IOM FoodBank....
Tevir Group are delighted to be supporting Douglas Borough Council for their Christmas Live Nativity show which takes place at Villiers Square on Thursday 16th December at 7pm.
Villiers Square will be the location for a variety of exciting activities such as live animals, Unity Dance School, the Samaritans Choir as well as live music from SCRAN.
We hope as many of you as possible will make it down to the Nativity show and we would like to thank Douglas Borough Council for organising what promises to be a great event for all the family.
Scan the QR code above to download your free admission tickets.
Tevir Group were delighted to donate £10,000 worth of Tesco gift vouchers, on behalf of The Keith Jones Foundation, to IOM FoodBank....
Tevir Group participated in a CPR training session using the British Heart Foundation’s new online training tool RevivR....
Tevir Group are delighted to announce the appointment of Steven Malone as Finance Director....
Should you have any questions, please feel free to get in touch with our team.